Thursday, December 8, 2016

Pitch 1x10 'Don't Say It' Promo Reaction!

Ginny Might Be Losing Everything...

The time has come and the season/winter finale of Pitch is upcoming this week. Season 1, Episode 10's synopis is:  

Padres management is reluctant to end Ginny's pitching season despite Ross' warnings that she's dangerously close to her limit; Amelia confronts Will about money missing from the restaurant fund.

What an intense promo! I got to say waiting for this finale will be extremely hard because look at this promo! Evelyn and Blip having problems, Ginny and Noah having a make out session, Ginny possibly going way above her pitching limit, a fist fight in the dugout of friends, and Ginny being shown in the hospital getting an MRI scan! I speak on behalf for the whole fandom when I say WHAT DOES THIS MEAN?!?!?!


- I predict that Ginny will pitch despite the warnings and it'll take her arm out forever (doubtful  if we're supposed to get another season) or (more predictable) put her on the Disabled List for a while.

- Ginny and Mike will probably end up talking about the moment that changes everything A.K.A. the almost #Bawson Kiss. You Know this one from last episode Scratched?

- In the promo, Ginny collapsed on the mound and held her left arm, meaning she could have injured her pitching arm. But did any of you guys catch that when Lawson ran to Ginny on the mound nobody was in the bleachers? So this could happen before a big game?

- I think Rachel and Noah will both come back affecting Bawson and what could be their romantic relationship 

-There is not only the worry of Ginny being out of the game, Evelyn and Blip divorcing, but the friendship of Mike and Blip as in the promo they are seen in a fist fight in the dugout that has to be halted by Al!!! WHAT COULD THIS MEAN FOR THE TEAM?!? Could the team be losing it?? I predict the cause will be Blip finding out about the kiss and talk about it on the field causing the mayhem...

Check the offical photos of Don't Say It Down Below!!

Don't Say It premieres December 8th, 9/8C on FOX! Don't forget to tweet #RenewPitch before and during the show, till then this will be my last promo reaction for a while!

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Pitch 1x09 'Scratched' Episode Review!!

Are Mike and Ginny Really "Just Teammates"?

  This week on Pitch, The Bawson shippers had something to be happy and upset about (I admit it!)but what an intense episode!!


  The episode commences with the news of Mike waiving his no trade clause spreading and being discussed in the locker room. Ginny doesn't believe it and all the Padres are concerned! 

 Ginny is getting motion captured for a... videogame! (Personally I would play it) CEO of the company Noah Casey is flirting with Ginny as he has a crush and goes as far as asking her out to dinner!! Ginny rejects his passes and may I just say she let him down as gently as she could. 

  Ginny heads to dinner at the Sanders with Will and there reaction to her rejecting Noah is hilarous! Evelyn and Will have all agreed to invest and run the bar from last episode and Blip isn't certain about this and neither am I.... 

 Ginny comes back from the Sanders and Noah sends, I'll admit, a cute text message using what she said about Mario to his advantage and dang is he smooth!

 Amelia talk about how he might leave and has to tell Ginny if so but there was a bit of flirtation there.. 

  Charlie and Oscar are fighting and it is not pretty! At this point, I personally hate both of these guys mainly Charlie. Mike tells Charlie and Oscar that he just wants all this drama to be offer with! 

  Ginny goes to get changed and finds someone nailed her cleats to her locker and her laugh is priceless! Obviously, it's Mike and she goes after him! 

  Oscar is still seeing Al's Daughter but Natalie claims she might leave San Diego for a new job and Oscar and Al both want her to stay. 

  Ginny goes to see Mike and confronts him about possibly leaving and claims he wants him to stay but Mike's main reason is he wants to win a world series and a ring but in this scene Lawson is such a jerk!! 

  Al and Buck are worried about Livan as without he Livan he'll become a really bad player and not listen to anyone. Al grows suspicous of Natalie being at the park a lot and him and Oscar have a confrontation because Al knows about the relationship. 

  Ginny after her confronation with Mike accepts Noah's dinner invite! Evelyn and Amelia are in a binding situation! Man everyone's on an edge!! At batting practice Blip and Ginny are scared of Mike walking out on them all while Mike's struggling at Batting practice. To get Mike in his zone Ginny starts pestering Mike and this scene couldn't have been better and the flirtation between Ginny and Mike couldn't have been better... 

The deal with the Cubs is put into an awkward spot and Charlie makes a bad decision that gets Lawson scratched, meaning he already played his last game with the Padres. 

At the game, Lawson is refused to play and it so bugs Mike. Whereas Amelia is plesant to Will and Evelyn. 

  Lawson desperately wants to play but Al refuses but Ginny has a cameraman who has a crush on her film Lawson putting on a helmet which makes the many fans chant for Lawson to play making Al put him in the game! 

  Lawson gets ready to bat and already Charlie is upset at Oscar but he doesnt #GiveARatsButt about this. Lawson swings and..STRIKE 1! Swings again and...FOULBALL! Swings again and...STRIKE #! He strikeout with a very low pitch! 

 Even with being out, the fans all applaud Mike and Mike gets the emotional curtain call and if you didn't get choked up then...  

  In the locker room Mike is upset and doesn't take any of his teams to celebrate drinks or a speech. Blip confronts him about that and Mike realizes his mistake but no one's in the locker room.. 

   Mike gives Livan a pep talk and it kinda sunk somewhere in Livan's head. I admit that moment was a touching one!

  Al and Natalie have a talk and then Oscar and him have at it but Natalie then reveals she's leaving San Diego breaking both Al and Oscar and the two then reconcile...

  Ginny arrives at her dinner date with Noah and yes the two are adorable both don't have quite a chemistry as Ginny and Mike. Noah is as smooth and rich as can be and he easily impresses Ginny on their date. 

   Meanwhile, Evelyn finds a discrepancy in the numbers but still Evelyn senses something's wrong...

   As Ginny is on her date with Wannabe Mark Zuckerberg, she receives a text from Lawson and bails on Noah!  Ginny actually shows up at the bar and the look on Lawson's face says a thousand words.

     The two sit down and have an awkward exchange of why Ginny said she was out with her brother when really she was on a date. Mike says he'll miss Baker and exchange this super sweet moment...

  Evelyn still doesn't trust the numbers and calls for Amelia's help! Could this be bad news for the sports bar?!! 

  Charlie and Oscar have second thoughts on the trade!! 

  As Ginny and Mike are saying goodbyes they go for a hug and have this super steamy moment... 

Only for it to be INTERRUPTED BY A PHONE CALL and finding out that Mike is staying a Padre and the two get awkward cliffhanging us...

  'Scratched' was an amazing episode full of enough suspense, baseball, and romance! Scratched gets a 9.8/10!

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Tweets from Cast and Producers Of Pitch Suggest an Upsetting Finale!!

Mark Paul Gosslear Has Offically Shaved The Beard

To Keep The Beard Or Not? Is The Question....

  Listen fellow pitches out there, anyone love Mike's beard? If you love Mike Lawson's beard well then this some bad news: We might not see anymore of the beloved catcher's beard. 

  On instagram, Mark-Paul Gossleaar posted this photo on social media...
A photo posted by Mark-Paul Gosselaar (@mpgosselaar) on

So could this mean Mike Lawson, if we get a season 2, will be beardless for that season or will he grow it out again? Turns out he answered the question...

So this could be a possible sign of Pitch having another season!!! What do you think?...

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Pitch 1x08 'Unstoppable Forces and Immovable Forces' Episode Review!!

This Week On Pitch It Was A Week Of Jealousy, Shocks, and A Surprise Visitor But At This Point...

 Last week on Pitch, it was all about the photos and a new rookie on the squad, this week it was about one of the most important members of the Padres possibly leaving. Yep this week of Pitch had it all and a few bombshells were dropped this week. This week was one of Pitch's hectic episodes but it a great episode of Pitch, despite all the action? Sorry for this review being a week late I apologize!


   The episode starts with Mike talking with his agent about waiving his no trade clause and he has no intention of leaving the team and says before he leaves San Diego it'll rain, right on cue it starts raining. 

  The Padres are taking a lead in their latest game but then are put into a rain delay. Mike is upset because he is to be benched if they get out of Rain Delay and Livan is to be behind the dish. Livan and Ginny have a cute relationship and got along right off the bat and I think Mr. Lawson didn't like that one bit because I think he was jealous!

   Even with the rain, Amelia, Evelyn, Elliot and the WAGS (Wives and Girlfriends of the other players) find their way to their own suite for the game. Oscar goes to check on them and has a conversation with a woman he's happening to be seeing which appears to be someone who's very close to him and his work!

Charlie is not happy, in fact he's freaking out about the rain. Why? Because the Padres need to play for the Wildcard. Oscar as usual as the man with a plan has a plan :  a 40-minute break between the storm, but they need to consult groundskeeper Russell. Charlie wants Mike gone, but Mike has to make this decision on his own!! I feel like every week I'm hating Charlie even more! Oscar and Charlie go to Russell and ask how long it would take for the field to be  ready if the rain magically stopped. Russell's not budging for anyone. Charlie demands he do it in 28 minutes that he be the Yankees, and Russell stands up to him saying

Later, Charlie demands that Oscar takes him to the umpire's office, since Russell wouldn't budge, so he can start the game. Oscar, knowing the serious consequences if going to the umpire's office,  takes Charlie to batting cages and have a conversation about why Charlie chose to work in baseball yet hasn't played it himself, turns out he wanted to tell the future by using baseball.

Oscar also goes to talk to Mike he says there's a small window for him to leave the team, so he has to come to him. It doesn't help that Ginny and Livan are pretty close. Turns out Livan reveals that he had a girlfriend before her came to the U.S. and he never got to say goodbye, meaning that earlier interaction might not have been flirting. Is it just me or am I starting to feel sympathetic for Livan?

Mike actually starts considering leaving the team and watches a Cubs game to see what that team is like. Since Mike's not playing , Blip tells Mike to tallk to Oscar. So Mike talks to Oscar and it is not happy, Oscar says they all might be happier if Mike just left. Al wants him to stay.Mike asks if they looked at other teams to take him first or if other teams asked about him first. "We're under new management," Oscar says hinting Charlie wants him gone.

Mike goes back to the locker room and calls a Kangaroo court into session. At first, it's all fun and games but then Ginny is put on the stands. 

Ginny and Mike blame each other for a messed up play. The situation is made worse when another teammate says Ginny's right and that's when Mike loses it and says his word should mean something before he storms off. It's so obvious that he was stressed and was angry about something more than just the silly court game, so Ginny goes after him and apologizes, but the two argue and boy did it get heated!! Omar Robles, a player who was signed in Alfonso Guzman Chavez, reveals he didn't see a hit and run sign and reveals he lied because...he has a thing for Ginny since he played with the Cardinals and Blip and Mike cannot be more shocked nor defensive especially Mr. Lawson.

But that's not all!! Mike and Blip confront Omar but Mike might have feelings of his own for Ginny...

While all this is happening, Oscar confides in his secret woman about Mike's situation and he also tells her he doesn't want to sneak around any more and go on real dates even though they clearly both enjoy being a secret couple.

Later, The team finally gets the news of being able to play! Al comes  says the rain has stopped and it's time to play. Al tells Oscar and that woman that the game's about to restart and why would this matter to Oscar's mystery woman? Oscar's seeing Al's daughter! To me that was a shocker!

Mike then gives Ginny some advice for the game since he won't be playing. It's like he's imparting wisdom before he leaves. "I don't know what I'd do without you," she says. "You'd be fine," he replies. That look Mike has convinces me he is truly falling in love with Ginny.

 When the whole team goes out to play without Mike, he tells Oscar he wants to play in...

 That was quite the bombshell!!
Ginny's brother Will randomly shows up for the game. The flashbacks this week were about Will and why he's been MIA  flashes back to Ginny's first game with the Padres. Will can't come because someone beat him up! Ginny never foundout  Will lied to her. In the present, Will shows up! He  finally got to watch her pitch and reveals he got a break and the first thing he wanted to do was see her in a MLB game He also says he has yet another new phone number. Ginny knows something's up and clearly her face said it all.
Will comes into the WAG suite and Evelyn's so happy, but Amelia is the total opposite. We  flash back to Will watching Ginny's first distarous start. Even though he said he couldn't be there he went in San Diego and just decided not to face the music.  Amelia knocks on his hotel door and is upset with Will's bruised cut and it was because he got behind on a loan payment. Amelia kindly wrote him a check and techinically bribed him to stay away from Ginny.
In the present, Will wants to open a sports bar with franchises, which Evelyn is clearly interested in. Amelia clearly isn't thrilled or supportive of Will's idea and clearly doesn't trust him but he's very confident.
Evelyn is to into the idea that Will says he will Evelyn with him when he meets with the real estate agent, Amelia's been busy researching Will and finds out he's gone bankrupt . Will texts Ginny an SOS. Ginny's pretty annoyed when she shows up to the WAGS suite. Ginny's really uncomfortable because Will put her on the spot in front of all those people and finds out what happend in June. After Will tells Ginny what happened, she ultimately confronts Amelia. Amelia claims she was protecting Ginny and Ginny says she had to choose between them once before. She chose him, but Will told her to choose Amelia as her agent instead. What a moment between these two!!
Unstoppable Forces and Immovable Objects was a hectic episode and had it's moments that ultimately were great, everything tied in and Unstoppable Forces and Immovable Objects gets a 9.7/10

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Pitch 1x09 'Scratched' Promo Reaction!

If I Thought This Week Was Something For Bawson, Then I Don't Know How Any of Us Are Going To Be Able to Wait for December 1st...


Pitch has a thing for keeping us on the edge of our seats and next episode has that for sure. 

Season 1, Episode 9's premise is: 

Mike becomes the biggest news story in the MLB when rumors start about him waiving his no-trade clause. Meanwhile, Evelyn and Will  go in on a business venture together, but Amelia is concerned that it relies too heavily on Ginny's fame 

Once again what does Pitch do? Show us important information right before another 2 week hiatus! I've got to admit I haven't had a promo want to give answers already since Beanball or Wear It so this one's got something to say. In the last few seconds of the promo we saw Mike and Ginny getting close and for me this is one moment I've been waiting for a long time since Episode 1 and I'll be pretty upset if Pitch fools but so far it looks oh so real.


- Ginny and Mike will either share a goodbye kiss, a real kiss, or the Pitch writers are pulling one on us and Ginny/Mike turn at the last second and don't really kiss but guys, look at this picture and tell me does it look like either Ginny or Mike will turn away at the last second?


- Mike, I think will, literally play his last game for the team

- I think Oscar and Al will fight with Charlie to have Mike stay on the team

- Ginny and Mike will have a lot of Bawson moments throughout the episode 

- Mark-Paul Gosslear said in an recent interview that in episode 9 it's super complicated and in episode 10 it's super awkward so using this for a prediction either Mike stays, Amelia and Blip find out about the kiss and it's very awkward, or the Padres and the Cubs play each other in the National League Championship Series 

- What if Mike encounters Rachel again and it causes a dispute

Check the official pictures of 'Scratched' right here!!

'Scratched' premieres December 1 at 9/8C on FOX! Make sure to tweet #RenewPitch too