This Week On Pitch It Was A Week Of Jealousy, Shocks, and A Surprise Visitor But At This Point...

Last week on Pitch, it was all about the photos and a new rookie on the squad, this week it was about one of the most important members of the Padres possibly leaving. Yep this week of Pitch had it all and a few bombshells were dropped this week. This week was one of Pitch's hectic episodes but it a great episode of Pitch, despite all the action? Sorry for this review being a week late I apologize!
The episode starts with Mike talking with his agent about waiving his no trade clause and he has no intention of leaving the team and says before he leaves San Diego it'll rain, right on cue it starts raining.
The Padres are taking a lead in their latest game but then are put into a rain delay. Mike is upset because he is to be benched if they get out of Rain Delay and Livan is to be behind the dish. Livan and Ginny have a cute relationship and got along right off the bat and I think Mr. Lawson didn't like that one bit because I think he was jealous!

Even with the rain, Amelia, Evelyn, Elliot and the WAGS (Wives and Girlfriends of the other players) find their way to their own suite for the game. Oscar goes to check on them and has a conversation with a woman he's happening to be seeing which appears to be someone who's very close to him and his work!
Charlie is not happy, in fact he's freaking out about the rain. Why? Because the Padres need to play for the Wildcard. Oscar as usual as the man with a plan has a plan : a 40-minute break between the storm, but they need to consult groundskeeper Russell. Charlie wants Mike gone, but Mike has to make this decision on his own!! I feel like every week I'm hating Charlie even more! Oscar and Charlie go to Russell and ask how long it would take for the field to be ready if the rain magically stopped. Russell's not budging for anyone. Charlie demands he do it in 28 minutes that he be the Yankees, and Russell stands up to him saying
Later, Charlie demands that Oscar takes him to the umpire's office, since Russell wouldn't budge, so he can start the game. Oscar, knowing the serious consequences if going to the umpire's office, takes Charlie to batting cages and have a conversation about why Charlie chose to work in baseball yet hasn't played it himself, turns out he wanted to tell the future by using baseball.
Oscar also goes to talk to Mike he says there's a small window for him to leave the team, so he has to come to him. It doesn't help that Ginny and Livan are pretty close. Turns out Livan reveals that he had a girlfriend before her came to the U.S. and he never got to say goodbye, meaning that earlier interaction might not have been flirting. Is it just me or am I starting to feel sympathetic for Livan?
Mike actually starts considering leaving the team and watches a Cubs game to see what that team is like. Since Mike's not playing , Blip tells Mike to tallk to Oscar. So Mike talks to Oscar and it is not happy, Oscar says they all might be happier if Mike just left. Al wants him to stay.Mike asks if they looked at other teams to take him first or if other teams asked about him first. "We're under new management," Oscar says hinting Charlie wants him gone.
Mike goes back to the locker room and calls a Kangaroo court into session. At first, it's all fun and games but then Ginny is put on the stands.

Ginny and Mike blame each other for a messed up play. The situation is made worse when another teammate says Ginny's right and that's when Mike loses it and says his word should mean something before he storms off. It's so obvious that he was stressed and was angry about something more than just the silly court game, so Ginny goes after him and apologizes, but the two argue and boy did it get heated!! Omar Robles, a player who was signed in Alfonso Guzman Chavez, reveals he didn't see a hit and run sign and reveals he lied because...he has a thing for Ginny since he played with the Cardinals and Blip and Mike cannot be more shocked nor defensive especially Mr. Lawson.

But that's not all!! Mike and Blip confront Omar but Mike might have feelings of his own for Ginny...
While all this is happening, Oscar confides in his secret woman about Mike's situation and he also tells her he doesn't want to sneak around any more and go on real dates even though they clearly both enjoy being a secret couple.
Later, The team finally gets the news of being able to play! Al comes says the rain has stopped and it's time to play. Al tells Oscar and that woman that the game's about to restart and why would this matter to Oscar's mystery woman? Oscar's seeing Al's daughter! To me that was a shocker!
Mike then gives Ginny some advice for the game since he won't be playing. It's like he's imparting wisdom before he leaves. "I don't know what I'd do without you," she says. "You'd be fine," he replies. That look Mike has convinces me he is truly falling in love with Ginny.
When the whole team goes out to play without Mike, he tells Oscar he wants to play in...

That was quite the bombshell!!
Ginny's brother Will randomly shows up for the game. The flashbacks this week were about Will and why he's been MIA flashes back to Ginny's first game with the Padres. Will can't come because someone beat him up! Ginny never foundout Will lied to her. In the present, Will shows up! He finally got to watch her pitch and reveals he got a break and the first thing he wanted to do was see her in a MLB game He also says he has yet another new phone number. Ginny knows something's up and clearly her face said it all.
Will comes into the WAG suite and Evelyn's so happy, but Amelia is the total opposite. We flash back to Will watching Ginny's first distarous start. Even though he said he couldn't be there he went in San Diego and just decided not to face the music. Amelia knocks on his hotel door and is upset with Will's bruised cut and it was because he got behind on a loan payment. Amelia kindly wrote him a check and techinically bribed him to stay away from Ginny.
In the present, Will wants to open a sports bar with franchises, which Evelyn is clearly interested in. Amelia clearly isn't thrilled or supportive of Will's idea and clearly doesn't trust him but he's very confident.
Evelyn is to into the idea that Will says he will Evelyn with him when he meets with the real estate agent, Amelia's been busy researching Will and finds out he's gone bankrupt . Will texts Ginny an SOS. Ginny's pretty annoyed when she shows up to the WAGS suite. Ginny's really uncomfortable because Will put her on the spot in front of all those people and finds out what happend in June. After Will tells Ginny what happened, she ultimately confronts Amelia. Amelia claims she was protecting Ginny and Ginny says she had to choose between them once before. She chose him, but Will told her to choose Amelia as her agent instead. What a moment between these two!!
Unstoppable Forces and Immovable Objects was a hectic episode and had it's moments that ultimately were great, everything tied in and Unstoppable Forces and Immovable Objects gets a 9.7/10

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