This Week On Pitch, We Saw A Very Different Side To The Padres....

Busted! Baker and Lawson busted!!

Last week on Pitch it was all about Ginny's struggle under the pressure of stardom. This week on Pitch, it was a different episode then it's usual. Pitch showed how dedicated the team is to Ginny and Mike's perspective on things. In 'San Francisco' the Padres are making headlines on and off the field. Did San Francisco live up to the amazing last few episodes? Was San Francisco the episode we've been waiting for?
The episode begins with Lawson being the first one in the locker room. It shows him in a sort of sad state and once I saw this I knew it would be a Mike eccentric episode and it was, which brings me to the flashbacks.
For the first time in the series a flashback wasn't about Ginny this week it was Mike's turn. This week the flashbacks start with Mike moving to yet another town with his scamming, con artist, single mother and Mike signs up for baseball. Mike shares an immediate connection with his coach and with his mother's looks I expected something because something didn't seem right and she even used Mike to get money from his coach. Seriously something gives.
Meanwhile in president day, Ginny is dealing with her exposing photos about to be leaked on the internet. Amelia suggests to Ginny to add a fake mole and add it in training photos and Ginny denies the idea. I love that Ginny didn't buy into Amelia's idea and I think it could have made things worse. Meanwhile the Padres backup catcher is injured meaning...Livan Duarte is coming. The trio is supscious and Mike is thinking this a Wally Pipp thing and I loved that scene as Ginny is oblivious to who Wally Pipp is.
Mike isn't the only one not playing, turns out Ginny's start is being skipped because they have 2 days off in the next 10 days. Got to admit I loved the bickering Mike and Ginny had over not being to able play.
Amelia lets the cat out of the bag and tells the front office about Ginny's pictures about to be leaked. The scene was executed perfectly and portrayed a message and it's true. Women are objectified in ways men aren't and Pitch's relevance to modern day is amazing and Amelia's use of mansplaining? Nicely done!
Have quite an awkward meeting as Mike's literally gets up from an ice bath and Livan basically calls Lawson old. You could feel the tension...
Ginny and Amelia are upset with the photos and her start being skipped. Ginny reveals an interesting fact about Jackie Robinson and said "I can take the leering and jeering as long as I get to play." What an amazing scene!!
Ginny tells Blip about her situation and Blip gets in big brother mode and asks Ginny why she would take those photos and Blip says Ginny has to be smarter than that because she's a woman! I didn't like that comment but it was a good thing Blip immediately regretted it when it hit open air. I love that Ginny wasn't ashamed of her photos but owned it. It was one of the scenes in the episode I particularly enjoyed.

At Livan's first MLB bat his attitude shows through and does a bat flip. I personally thought that wasn't necessary but I personally dislike Livan's attitude.
Ginny can't stand not pitching and Al takes her out for a night on the town and I am getting a Father/Daughter relationship from these two. On their night, Al shares a sweet moment with Baker and offers her to find happiness without Baseball. I thought it was a genuinely sweet moment and it showed Al cares about Ginny more than just any ball player.
In the locker room, the team isn't taking Livan's presence well. Livan lies to reporters about not understanding English to get out of answering questions and Lawson cannot be more mad.
Mike and Oscar have a talk and Oscar reveals Livan is a refugee from Cuba and Lawson still says he should be treated like any other average ball player.
At a bar, Amelia and Mike start talking and Mike gives Amelia an idea on how to deal with the photo leak.
Mike surprisingly covers for Livan being late for practice. I didn't expect that honestly from anyone, especially Mike. But Mike's not done. Livan keeps the not understanding English charade going and Mike "translates" what Livan wants to say and well it's definitely not what Duarte wanted to say. Duarte and Lawson have a stand off and the tension was high.
Amelia proposes an idea to the front office and Oscar is hesitant.
At the game, the Padres and Giants are tied up and Al refuses to bring out Ginny until the 11th inning for Ginny to be a reliever pitcher
Back to flashback land, we find out Mike is on the move again and his coach gives him words that to make the right choice no matter what his mother tells him to do.
Duarte gets the respect from Lawson and he treats him like a catcher.
Ginny finally uses the cutter she's been talking about non-stop and...
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