Secrets Revealing, A Major Plot Twist, and One Teammate Leaves, Not to mention this was the Moneyball episode of Pitch.

This week on Pitch it's offically trade deadline season, aka the Moneyball inspired episode. After waiting 2 weeks for the next episode Pitch has to offer, did 'Alfonso Guzman' live up to Beanball? Was Alfonso Guzman Chavez worth the wait?
The episode begins with a count of 48 hours until the trade deadline and GMs scrambling and the Padres win another game in their latest winning streak. In the game Mike Lawson steals a base assuring another win for their winning streak.
The players in the locker room are ecstatic but then they start thinking about the Trade Deadline. Baker starts becoming nervous about being traded (being honest of course it was predictable that she wasn't getting traded as she is the protagonist of the series so it wasn't that much of a shock) and all the guys assure her she's not getting traded. Ginny is so worried about Blip moving as rumors go around that Blip is getting traded and some of her other teammates. Once again Mike says yet another great pep talk/ piece of advice to the team that all of them will be safe but takes it back after Oscar casually passes by the locker room.
We then are magically transported to the Oscar's new boss (Entourage Alum Kevin Connolly) as Oscar has a game plan for the Trade Deadline. This new boss drops a bomb on Oscar revealing he needs to cut $2 Million of the pay roll!!
To a more happier note, Ginny is at Blip and Evelyn's (Having some time quality with the twins as Aunt Ginny) Evelyn's dream house dropped by $50 Grand and it is revealed that Blip has no trade clause and he's a center fielder making him easy trade bait, worrying Ginny about losing her genuine friends bringing me to this week's flashbacks. We've seen flashbacks about Ginny as a daughter, girlfriend, sister, being signed by an agent and how she got signed to the Padres but we hadn't seen her as a friend. This week's flashbacks was about the one guy ball player who was her best friend, Jordan Collins.
The flashbacks start in North Carolina 2010, in which Jordan Collins joins the Mustangs and Ginny is tasked with showing him the team's workout routine and when Jordan asks Ginny if she's seen Living Color she takes it as if he's asking her out and says he just wants to be friends and the two instantly bond, one of the many highlights in this episode.
Back to present day, Amelia and Mike, let's just say, enjoy each other's company that is until someone messes up Amelia's car and the situation is made worse especially after Lawson says "I hate groupie on groupie crime." making Amelia be offended, personally I don't blame her because it was offensive thing to do. This subplot between these two makes it a little bit hard to focus on the premise of the series as this techincally the whole "I got dumped my date to the prom" feel/stereotype to it distracts from the premise of the series to be honest.
Ginny is at her apartment and is super worried about Blip leaving the team and calls Elliot and finds out that as long as Alfonso Guzman Chavez stays an oriole, Blip stays as a Padres.
In Flashback universe, Ginny and Jordan are watching living color and Jordan's dad, Ray, is late so Mr. Baker drops him off at his house and we find out Jordan's father is a depressed, intoxicated, single father upset with himself and never able to be the father Jordan needs. Bill, being soft, steps in and tries to be there for Jordan still something's not right about Ray.
Back to present day, Oscar has a real abscessed tooth (Ironically jinxed by Rhonda from last episode.) and it takes time away from the Trade deadline, what comedic relief.
As for Amelia, she gets a car loaned by Lawson without asking and Amelia cannot be more mad at Lawson! She goes to see Lawson and dang she's way more at advanced at playing hard to get than Kelly Kepowski ever was even pulling out a somewhat strong zinger. "Unlike most of the women you date, I'm solvent and old enough to rent my own car."
As for Oscar, he is struggling with the wrong assitant (played by guest star Josh Peck) and is trying to find a 3rd base men.
Whereas we move back to Amelia and she asks Elliot about the pictures which have been quiet since Beanball which hints they might comeback on the show soon! Amelia literally lets the cat outta the bag and accidentally lets it slip to Elliot that she's seeing Mike! Props to you Elliot for being basically the therapist this episode!
One of the Padres is traded and everyone is feeling down in locker room. Tommy literally asks Ginny to spend some quality time with her by working out with him. I like that Tommy has somewhat turned from the jerk that called Ginny some stuff to now inviting her and treating her like one of the guys.
We move along to another flashback in which Jordan and Ginny are bonding as it's revealed Ginny has gotten a scholarship and I love the chemistry between Jordan and Ginny.
As I was saying Tommy even introduces Ginny to his wife and kid (TALK ABOUT A SHOCKER!)! I at one point thought Tommy was starting to have a crush on Ginny.
Moving on, We are then brought to another Mike and Blip Boy's Night. Mike ignores a potential call from Amelia and Blip grows suspicious. Blip then figures out how Amelia and Mike are together as well. Blip tells Lawson to tell Ginny because sooner or later it well get out and it would better if Ginny heard it from Lawson. Mike may be king of Pep Talks and Advice but Blip right now is at a close second.
On the other end of the spectrum, The girls have a girls night that turns to a disaster after Alfonso Guzman Chavez is a brave and with now Blip in the room everyone worries about leaving. Personally, I thought that Blip was going to blurt out to Ginny about Mike and Amelia.
Ginny continues to panic and Amelia gives her a piece of advice. I think Amelia's piece of advice crossed the line and you've got to remember that Amelia's way out of her element as Ginny's agent. Amelia's a talent agent and for her to tell Ginny to demand Oscar not to trade Blip is preposterous. Ginny actually doing it made me cringe. Oscar lashing out on Ginny technically had reason because she's a ball player that had no right to order Oscar to not trade a ball player because it's his job, not hers. Oscar then thinks about trading a center fielder worrying the audience watching. Ginny feels even more worried as the look on her face says it all.
In flashback universe we are brought a MAJOR BOMB! The mustangs are playing a big game and Jordan and Ginny cannot be more excited. Seriously these two singing Katy Perry might have been my favorite moment from the episode!
Jordan is super pumped because his dad's coming to the big game and Bill doesn't exactly believe buy this. Now at the game, Ray doesn't show up Bill leaves a message for Ray and Ray intoxicated, stumbling somehow thinks he's goint to make it and crashes a car... a car that just so happens to be Bill's, revealing Ray was the drunk driver that killed Bill and WOW what a shocker, Dan Fogelman definitely knows how to play with the audience's heart strings, including mine.
With only 9 minutes and 45 seconds till the deadline, Ginny and Blip wait together in the locker room. Oscar is offically done the deadline and Blip is... staying! Ginny and Blip couldn't be more happier!
The trade deadline may be over but the new president of operations wants Oscar to find a way to get rid of Lawson! The episode didn't end with a happy ending but someone had to leave and it had to be Tommy just as I start warming up to him!!!
Mike and Amelia are getting more serious and I don't like it but they both agree to finally tell Ginny, which they should.
Everything is great even for the twins with Aunt Ginny but the episode ends with Amelia telling Ginny about the secret. At first, Ginny is not caring and after Amelia leaves Ginny is clearly heartbroken and ignores Mike's phone call. Talk about a sad ending and no Bawson moments!
'Alfonso Guzman Chavez' was clearly full of action and a lot of drama but lack of baseball. The episode was worth the wait absolutely and I enjoyed and I gave 'Alfonso Guzman Chavez' a 9.7/10 so it's a 9
for Alfonso Guzman Chavez! Next episode I sense quite tension next episode!
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